Welcome to my Obsidian vault -- this is just a placeholder landing page I made for the published vault, so please use the search/navigation bar to find anything interesting.
Alternatively, try those:
[[Linear Regression Methods]]
[[Generalized Linear Models]]
$\uparrow$ these are just some of the relatively longer notes I have. Not saying they are interesting or even factually correct.
- I am not responsible for any loss of hair, sleep, score, or property caused by factual errors in my notes. Too bad that happened I guess.
- If you see random code blocks that look like SQL code, it's code for Obsidian's dataview plugin. They are rendered as tables when I open the notes on my laptop, but too bad Obsidian publish does not support plugins.
Lastly, please enjoy a pic of my cat, named "Cat" (the name depends on which of my family members you ask).